Big Yellow Podcast
Big Yellow Podcast
A Conversation With Ann Powers

A Conversation With Ann Powers

Episode Seven

When I first started dabbling in music journalism, more or less all of the writers I was familiar with were men. It took several years of exploration, work, and research to learn of more women in my field, and one of those people was Ann Powers, whom I’ve admired and looked up to since.

Like some of my other guests, Ann and I have never met, but it seemed like fate that she happened to be releasing a book about Joni Mitchell the same year I was launching a podcast about her. That book, Traveling: On the Path of Joni Mitchell, is of course the subject of this episode. It’s an illuminating read — insightful, honest, personal at points — and offers a different kind of “music biography” experience, in my opinion.

But I’ll let Ann and I’s chat fill you in on that…here’s a link to the book for those who are interested: Traveling.

Thanks for listening x

  • Allison

Big Yellow Podcast
Big Yellow Podcast
Exploring the life and work of Joni Mitchell.